Friday, July 1, 2011

Red . White . Blue . (proud)

Today I worked on the "porch". That's the southern, country girl comin' out in me.

In today's terms, it is most likely to be called a patio.

But, I prefer "porch", so a "porch" it shall be ;p

I loved finding my box of flags, finding sweet little spots for them all across the "porch".

I loved finding the red metal trays John's Mom had given me. Her children used them as trays when they would eat outside or in front of the t.v. (I TREASURE these).

I loved finding this little treasure...

And from the "porch"...

I love to watch the flag furling in this hot summer breeze...

And as the day went head was filled with so many thoughts of what July 4th, Independence Day means to me and my family. It's so much more than fireworks...

I kept thinking about the Moms that are my friends on Facebook. I kept thinking of their photos as they are hugging and loving on their sons and daughters, our soldiers. I am SO tempted to post photos here of each of you, or mention you by name. But it feels invasive, it feels like that should be a privilege that only you should be able to post.

I kept thinking of news broadcasts when they surprise children with their Daddy's (or Mommy's) homecoming.

And of the families that lose their sons/daughters, our soldiers.

And, kept thinking of how proud I am...

I am proud to be an American. I am proud be a Christian that can worship freely. And with all her imperfections...I feel so blessed to live in this beautiful United States of America.

And as my guests this weekend enjoy time on the "porch", sipping sweet tea, laughing and grilling...I will be thinking of my friends, "their" soldiers, "our" soldiers...and that I would wish the same sweet time for them.

I hope they know how proud I am to be called their friend...and that I pray for all soldiers...everyday. Thank you soldiers of today, yesterday and tomorrow. God bless.

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