Thursday, June 30, 2011

LOOK MOM...IT'S A SHARK...(and I think I want one)

O.K. = one more confession of weirdism here...I like to clean.

Not so much I love it in the moment, but I really love it when it's so clean you can feel it, smell it in the air. Go ahead, you won't hurt my can say weirdo out loud.

This house has alot of's dark, it's dirty and no matter how much I scub...

I just never feel like I get it clean.

I've looked, and wished and wanted one of these....

A Shark steam mop! My friend Christie loves hers. When I've looked, I let myself get confused - which model would fit our home the best?

Do you have a Shark? Which model - and do you love it?

I want my floors to feel clean, and be clean for the little angel that crawls around on it - no, not John - Mackenzie! But I also don't want to spend so much time trying to get something clean that may need a little more elbow grease than I can muster up. I wonder if a Shark is the solution?

Ready, set,'re turn!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Sign Up Here...No Vacation...Just Summertime Fun...All The Time

Friends often think that we (in "we" I mean John) get summers off.

The kids everyone assumes "we" do, too.

Truth is, as a school administrator, summer is one of the busiest times of the year. Closing one year out, preparing for a new year...exciting & fruitful - but it is time you miss with your family.

Last evening, after a more than full day at work, we "played" with a few friends who are in the same boat.

And I enjoyed myself more than these little fishies...

I would love to know what your family is doing this summer. Are you going on a vacation? Where / when? Just ya'll...or with friends/family? Are you staying at home? What are you doing to keep the kids entertained, engaged...

Not being nosey...but I really do care..."tell me about your day dear".

And just a reminder to never waste a day, a minute...your family depends on it - and deserves it.

If you are looking for ideas for your family for summer fun and everyday life, check out . They also have a terrific Facebook page, Make Everyday Count. I subscribe to the FB page, it reminds me everyday to have practical, quality and FUN moments with our family. And it's filled with good information, resources and ideas.

Take time, MAKE time for your family - and ENJOY it. Whether they are still young little fishies or an old sharelunker...they all deserve you, your time and your smile.

Smiles are contagious you know ;p Go start an epidemic this summer.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Yup, I'm a blogger. Feels like I'm standing up, confessing in a twelve step program.

But I do LOVE it. (If you're not a blogger, it's easy, it's fun, and I would be happy to help you get started).

With our new move, new community, new home, new time spent closer to family (Mackenzie ;p)...and soon to be new grandson (his name is Will....yipppee) I wanted to start again...another beginning.

It has been hard to leave our friends and home. I love you dearly and deeply.

But I am also excited about new friends, new community...and learning. The beauty of blogging, it has no zip can make new friends literally all over the world! And really, who can ever have enough friends?

Maybe that is it for me...I love new because it teaches me about life (mine and yours) while I am "in" it.

So, I thought long and hard about what I wanted the focus to be in this blog...Tell Me About Your Day Dear.

I want you to tell me about...anything!

how it used to be...

what you love about something new...

new tech toy?

new safe products for our kids?

new place in town for lunch or new recipe?

what are you reading?

Or maybe your day hasn't been what you had hoped for....spill it sista! (well, maybe not literally like she has ;p)

Or maybe your child or grandchild did something extraordinary (probably ordinary)...YES - want to, want to, want to hear it and see it!

Are you an artist, a great cook, a designer, a great mom...a lousy mom? Whatever you are, whoever you are...I want to get to know you (maybe, again ;p). Won't it be great to have a place we all can gather, just be us, no judging, just me - just you - just us.

Will you come back? Will you share your stories, your loves, your trials...I will be here waiting...and please

tell me about your day dear